What Are the Long-Term Consequences of a DUI Conviction in Delaware?

What Happens if You Drive Under the Influence in Delaware? Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is against the law in Delaware and cou ...

The Impact of DUI on Professional Licenses: A Legal Overview

The Impact of DUI on Professional Licenses: A Legal Overview Joining any licensed profession—in health care, law, engineering, or elsewhere—invol ...

What Will Happen for a Third DUI Offense Case?

Most DUI arrests in Delaware are of first offenders. After a third DUI, state law puts the wheels in motion for serious criminal consequences. MADD (M ...

Do You Go to Jail for a DUI?

Do You Go to Jail for a DUI? It's the most frightening question on your mind—is a DUI charge going to send you to jail? In Delaware, the answer is ...

Do You Lose Your License Immediately After a DUI?

Delaware drunk-driving laws do not fool around. When an officer arrests you for a DUI offense, they will take your driver's license if it is from Dela ...

What Kind of Jobs Can I Still Get with a DUI on My Record or Found in My Background Check?

The fears probably began as soon as you saw police lights flashing in the rearview mirror. What am I going to do now? How is this going to affect my f ...